I have a family doctor - why do I need to see a General Internal Medicine (GIM) Specialist?

Simply put, family medicine encompasses a broader patient population than internal medicine. Family medicine doctors manage the overall physical and mental health of all ages, including children. In Ontario, General Internal Medicine (GIM) specialists have at least four years of training, specifically in adult medicine, with intensive training on internal organ systems and processes in adults.

What kind of things are seen by an Internist?

General Internal Medicine (GIM) specialists are expert physicians dedicated to the treatment of complex diseases affecting multiple systems within the body. In collaboration with our cardiology and other specialist teams, the internal medicine department offers comprehensive care for conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and lipid disorders, as well as managing blood, kidney, electrolyte, neurological, respiratory, liver, thyroid, pancreatic, and infectious diseases. For certain health issues, our GIM doctors can provide assessments through virtual (video) consultations. However, for some conditions that necessitate a physical examination, in-person visits may be required. The decision between virtual and in-person consultations is determined by our physician and administrative team during the referral triage process.

I want to see an Internist. Can I make an appointment?

In Ontario, seeing a GIM Physician requires a referral from a doctor or nurse practitioner. Please take our referral information to your family doctor or nurse practitioner and let them know we are happy to see you in a fast and efficient manner. Once our team receives the referral, we can arrange assessments quickly, typically within 7 days.

I have anemia and want an intravenous iron infusion - what should I do?

There are many causes for anemia, of which iron deficiency is the most common. If your family doctor, nurse practitioner or specialist discovers that you have anemia or iron deficiency anemia that needs further work-up, they can refer you to our GIM specialist for further assessment. Once our GIM physician has evaluated you, they may refer you for IV iron infusion therapy, which we do within the Unify Clinic in a safe and supervised manner. OHIP does not cover IV iron infusion therapy, which is an additional cost to the patient ($1500-200 per infusion depending on type of iron used).

Can you get me a CT Scan or MRI?

Advanced imaging systems like CT and MRI are available within hospitals. Our team works closely with multiple surrounding hospitals and will refer you to a local hospital for imaging if needed. How fast you can get an imaging test is based on the urgent issue and the hospital-based radiologist's decision. We can help discuss your issue with our hospital partners to advocate for you if and when needed.