The Unify Obesity Medicine Program is led by board-certified obesity medical professionals and offers comprehensive support, personalized plans, and evidence-based strategies to help you achieve sustainable weight loss and improved overall health.

We aim to offer a medically supervised weight loss program that is patient-centred, compassionate and judgement-free. We understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, and thus offer personalized care.

Pillars of weight management:

  1. Cognitive

  2. Personalized Nutrition

  3. Exercise

  4. Adjunctive medications

  5. Bariatric surgery referral as needed

The Unify Obesity Management Team includes:

  • Obesity medical specialist/general internal medicine physician

  • Registered Dietician

  • Cardiology support for advanced lipid management, stress testing, and management of cardiac symptoms related to obesity

  • Fitness/Wellness Coaching

  • Physiotherapy/Foot care

  • Psychotherapist

Our program is available to those over the age of 18 and who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25.

We offer a basic OHIP-covered package with consultation, follow-up, and more comprehensive private pay packages, including access to expertly-curated resources, dietician support, fitness and wellness coaching, and psychotherapist support. After your initial consultation, our team members will provide you with more information about the package options and the costs of the comprehensive packages.

In order to be seen by our Obesity Medicine specialist, please obtain a referral from a doctor or nurse practitioner. If you’d like to obtain more information about the program and/or be seen by our Registered Dietician without physician consultation, please e-mail us at booking@unifyhealth.ca.